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Chapter 129 Wow, this is really rich!
Locking lost his head and body slowly floated in the era of exile.
Don’t move.
However, Qiaohao grabbed the locked head and approached the manor palace, then bowed their heads and handed it to the front of Zhuang not far away.
"The great manor master is lucky enough to live up to his mission!"
"Uh …" Zhuang looked at the huge mechanical head in front of him, and then looked at the bigger head.
Qiaohao waited for orders not far from Zhuang with his head down.
What should I say at this time?
"Flat … flat?"
What else should I say?
Qiaohao just looked up-this movement is a bit difficult for Qiaohao-and looked at Zhuang not far away with bright eyes.
Watching the tears suddenly come.
"After so many years, I finally met … the really great manor owner again! The Lord of the manor is willing to help you! "
"I … I’m honored, too!" Zhuang was a little flattered and then quietly gave Sazler a thumbs-up sign.
Sazler was crawling from his chin to his head and came to the village. He cried when he held the village not far away.
"Master Zhuang, I finally came back! You have no idea what I’ve been through these days! I’ve lost weight … You see my scales, my belly … "
"You have suffered. Welcome home, Sazler!" What can I say if Zhuang is not far away? Can give him a warm hug.
Sazler is a good comrade!
Now that he’s dead, some brave soldiers flew to his chest with a broken war dog, banging on his face and prying around with a crowbar.
"What are you looking for?" Qiaohao wondered and asked, "He is full of good things, just drag them back."
"Looking for the cockpit, of course!" The soldiers said, "I’d like to see what kind of person is in here!"
"It must be an ugly, old and bad-hearted bastard!"
"That’s right! There is pus on the top of the head and sores on the soles of the feet. I don’t dare to come out at all. "
The biggest threat brought by this battle to the manor is how can the soldiers of the manor not hate him?
"Hmm …" Qiaohao pinched himself with one arm. "Are you … is this guy driving?"
The soldiers turned around in wonder. What does this mean?
"Don’t … no?"
"Of course not!" "He’s a fighting outfit made by factory owners to deal with us stonewalkers!"
"Combat outfit? You mean … this guy is a robot? No, isn’t this guy a factory owner? "
"Well … it’s true that he is a factory owner because he is a factory."
How can everyone do this when they are dumbfounded?
"When these fighting structures were just made, they were not much bigger than ordinary war dogs. They would constantly transform themselves and upgrade themselves. In my time, there were huge structures with fists and dozens of kilometers. That was difficult to deal with … only my predecessors who grew into stone walkers could deal with them …"
Don’t talk about ordinary soldiers. Even not far from Zhuang, I was dazzled.
This is not perfect, is it?
To what extent did the war between the manor owner and the factory owner finally develop? What level of fighting is that?
How lucky they didn’t destroy the universe!
And no wonder this thing can repair itself, so it is a factory itself?
There are so many strange things in the universe.
Hearing this, the soldiers gave up looking for the so-called "driver" and changed it into a rope to drag the locked body back from the exile era.
Before the old boom left, he reached out and touched it fondly, hoping to lick it with his tongue.
When Lao Bang was still in exile, he vaguely heard of atresia, but he never had a chance to contact it.
After all, atresia is high above the big shot
If atresia is still alive, I’m afraid it will be disgusting to vomit by the caress of the old boom.
The old boom commanded people to pick up all the scattered parts of the lock and pile them together.
When the scattered debris is almost cleaned up, the explosion dust will gradually disperse.
A soldier felt a flash of light before his eyes.
He looked up and squinted carefully.
There seems to be a golden glow in the dust.

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